
Type of News


Wednesday, 02 December 2020


TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Ignace adopted By-law No. 67-2020 on the 30th day of November 2020 under Section 17 of The Planning Act R.S.O., 1990.

THE PURPOSE AND EFFECT of By-law No. 67-2020 is to adopt the Township of Ignace Official Plan and ensure that it is consistent with the 2020 Provincial Policy Statement and addresses matters of local interest. The Official Plan is a land use planning policy document for the purpose of guiding future growth and development in the Township of Ignace to the year 2038. By-law No. 67-2020 replaces all previous Official Plans of the Township.

The adoption of the Township of Ignace Official Plan is done concurrently with the adoption of a Zoning By-law (in first and second reading), subject to the decision of the Approval Authority.

Copies of By-law No. 67-2020, and the adopted Official Plan, are available for viewing at theTownship of Ignace Municipal Office, 34 Main Street (Hwy 17), Ignace, ON, between 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. By-law No. 67-2020 can be viewed on the township website at

Township of Ignace Official Plan

By-law  67-2020

THE SUBJECT LANDS include all lands located within the Township of Ignace, and as such, no key map is provided. No lands in the Township of Ignace are subject to any related applications under the Planning Act, to the exception of the new Zoning By-law.

WRITTEN AND ORAL SUBMISSIONS made to Council were considered as part of the Official Plan review process and Council’s final decision to pass a By-law adopting the Official Plan. The effect of comments received on the Final Township of Ignace Official Plan (November 2020) are summarized in the Staff Report entitled Township of Ignace, New Official Plan (November 2020).

AND TAKE NOTICE THAT the Township of Ignace Official Plan requires approval from the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Any person or public body will be entitled to receive notice of the decision of the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing if a written request to be notified of the decision is made to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Requests should be made to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Municipal Services Office – N (Thunder Bay), 435 S. James Street, Suite 223, Thunder Bay ON P7E 6S7.

DATED at the Township of Ignace this 1 day of December 2020.

Lynda Colby, Clerk

Township of Ignace

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